I design interfaces & craft
user experiences for the web
Design isn’t finished until somebody is using it.Brenda Laurel
Ever since I can remember, I knew I wanted to have a career in the creative field. I used to study up on Disney in the second grade trying to draw all my favorite characters and did a presentation to my class on cell animation. When I got my first computer and printer, I would design banners and recipe books for my family, I'm sure they loved that! I even won an award for taking the most art classes in High School.
With a fine art background, a degree in digital media from Full Sail and 10yrs experience in the real world I have a very well rounded approach to design, wether digital or print. I like to research, create and fix things, give design purpose and solve problems.
iOS Design
Android Design
Responsive Web Design
User Experience Design
/ Front End Dev
Print Design
Brand Creation
Design is the conscious effort to impose a meaningful order.Victor Papanek